It costs about the same as hiring a hall and laying on entertainment and food for thirty children, but it's more fun (for the adults as well as the children) and less trouble. And to be honest another big attraction for me is that I don't have to find houseroom for thirty pieces of plastic tat. I'm not being snotty about the quality of birthday gifts - I've give plastic tat, too, when my kids get invited to birthday parties. It's cheap and it's what the kids like. But in a week's time the toys are all useless because they're either broken already or the components have all got separated, and I lose patience and throw them in the bin when the kids aren't looking.
Anyway yesterday we went to see the movie Hoodwinked (the kids liked it, I didn't), the Wacky Warehouse and Pizza Hut. Sam invited his longstanding best friend, Grace, and her best friend, Caithlin. And he got a drawing set and a set of dominoes which is great.
Hi. I hope Sam enjoyed his party. I drop in sometimes and 'lurk' to see what you are up to at the moment. I share the same birthday as Sam so I thought I would wish him a belated 'Happy Birthday'. Then I dropped in on Selfsufficientish and discovered your article on soapmaking. And there you were in the kitchen wearing the apron a friend gave me for my birthday a couple of years back. I do enjoy reading what others have got up to - when I have a free minute. We too have plans for moving out of the city to a smallholding (or maybe smaller...) in 2-3 years.
Hi Jo, thanks for the comment. Happy birthday to you, too. Did you get a Dr Who Cyberman voice changing helmet as well?
Sam says "Awww, fanks!"
Hi, Happy Birthday again Sam, that's a good idea with the birthday party, I am lucky as my daughter's birthday is in the summer holidays, so we have so far just had family do's but now that she has started school I was beginning to panic about creating a good show for her friends, luckily she is as antisocial as me and tells me that all the boys and girls are yuck and should go in the bin ! so at least numbers will be small !
Nothing so exciting as a voice changing helmet, I'm afraid. But I did get a couple of bottles of wine and an Amazon book token to buy myself yet another book on smallholding to help me dream some more.
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