
"Ah," I hear you say, "That's because you're super woman. You are somehow endowed with more hours in the day, or more talents, or it's because you don't work full time like I do, or some other reason". No, it's because I cheat.
Home-Made Vegetable Soup
I hate recipes that start "Begin the day before you want to cook the soup", but in this case it's a blessing, not a pain. In the evening, save the leftover cooked vegetables your children won't eat. Instead of scraping them into the rubbish bin or compost bucket (or pig swill bucket if you live in a more enlightened country than Britain), scrape them into a container to be stored in the fridge. If you don't have children, or if you have strange mutant children who actually eat all their vegetables, you will have to make extra vegetables on purpose. Whilst you're at it, save the water you cooked the veg in.
The next day put the vegetables in a pan (or you could do this in the microwave) with milk and stock made with the veg cooking water, to just cover the vegetables. Heat up, then whizz it all to a puree with a hand blender. Add more milk or stock if it is too thick, add seasoning and a dollop of cream, yogurt or creme fraiche if you have it.
I've had some wonderful soup this way. I think my favourite was cauliflower cheese and mashed sweet potato soup. You wouldn't make cauliflower cheese and mashed sweet potatoes just to turn them into soup, but they were a delicious accompaniment to our evening meal, and then a delicious soup for lunch the next day. Roasted red peppers and sweetcorn also worked really well. But even pretty humble veg make wonderful soup. Yesterday I had cabbage, leek and runner bean soup and it beat the hell out of anything that comes in a tin.
Life I found your blog via Living the Simple Life I Want. We are homesteading in rural Ireland, currently awaiting arrival of some piglets!
I love soup too. My best investment was a hand held whizzer, and a jerusalem artichoke plant! 3 pieces of choke gives the soup a gorgeous earthy nutty flavour.
we adore soup as well. I make a home made sort of minestrone soup.. only its so thick i call it minestrone stew. simply chop whatever veg you have in the fridge (but typically i use onion, leek, pepper, peas, mushrooms and courgette, sometimes aubergine) and a *small* collection of bacon bits. Saute the onion in oil, then add the other veg bit by bit. finish with a tin of cannelloni beans (or you could be super organised and cook them from dried), some lengths of wholewheat spaghetti pasta snapped into 1 inch lengths and a tin of chopped tomatoes (This is very much a storecupboard meal for us). cook up with some boullion, maybe a bit of extra water for half an hour. then serve as it is. if you prefer thicker sauce you can thicken it with cornflour. if you get it right you get oodles of veg and lovely sauce for dunking bread in.
i have to say though, your cauliflower and sweetpotato mash soup sounds lovely
We did celeriac soup on Monday. A whole celeriac, an onion, stock cubes and some milk. Blend it and you get the creamiest soup ever.
Also, Glenn do Thai style or Lakhsa by making a regular soup and adding ginger, garlic and a little chilli, with maybe a touch of coconut milk. Do this with chopped veg and noodles - it makes a great meal.
Mmmmmmm soup. Snow, hail, wind, frost. SOUP.MMmmmmmmmmm
Yes! Soup. Someone asked me if I ate more than soup. My dog & I just love the veges this way. I make soup from the bottoms of Broccoli & Califlower too.
Hiya anonymouse. I use the bottom of brocolli in stir frys. Never thought to use cauli. Silly me.
Jerusalem artichoke soup is also lovely and creamy - follow the sugestion for celeriac soup below but substitute on for t'other.
Beetroot is lovely with JA, creamy and earthy flavours go quite well.
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