Thursday, May 31, 2007

What's Decomposing?

(In homage to

We get our hair cut by a friend who comes to our house every few weeks. The kids come into the kitchen one at a time, then when they're shorn they can go back to watching TV or whatever they were doing before. It beats trying to keep them under control at a hairdresser's shop.

We end up with a big pile of hair on the floor, and this is another bonus of having our hair cut at home. The cuttings go on the compost heap where they decompose just like all the other organic material we put there.

Human hair is said to deter pests such as rabbits, moles and deer - shy creatures who avoid the scent of humans. Put handfuls of hair in net bags and tie them to trees and fences around the garden. If you need more hair than you can personally provide, you may be able to scrounge some from your local barber shop. I can't vouch for this tip personally as I don't suffer from mammalian garden pests, and I doubt it works on sassy critters like mice who come right into human houses.


Anonymous said...

Awesome idea! Next time I buzz my son's hair I'll have to remember this.

Anonymous said...

Out in rural areas, animals that approach humans too closely often die. This conditions (and breeds) them to avoid humans. Human hair should work well in rural areas.

In more urban areas, animals that are able to approach humans are animals that can more effectively forage for food (from trash cans, for instance.) In urban areas, I would expect the hair to be fairly ineffective.

-Nerd in the Country

Anonymous said...

I composted our dogs' hair this year when the got their spring trim. But as human hair is one of the last things to decompose (I'm told it takes longer than bones)I wonder if it's a good thing. I did notice the crows nicking some for their nests!

Anonymous said...

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Hun Houses said...

Thats a great idea! I'm definately going to try it next time i have my hair cut.