
broken tumble dryer has been repaired. Hurrah! I think it did me no harm at all to do without it for a while. It's good to have a reminder that the old ways of doing things still work. And certainly I got lazy and used the dryer when I could really have hung things on the line instead. But by golly, it's good to have it back.
We gave up our tumble dryer about a year ago as it was expensive and thought we could do without it..things take a little longer to dry but we are finding that between the radiatiors and an old-fashioned dryer we are doing fine!
I'm astonished anybody can afford to run a tumble dryer at the moment, and amazed that Mel even considers one. We are a family of four and we dry on the radiators during the winter and the washing line during the summer. And for the in-between weather I think God invented conservatories especially for drying clothes)
We don't have one...never have , never will..we dry stuff on the line OR in the house and if it looks wet, I don't wash stuff until another day.....
sorry...that sounds rude..it wasn't meant to be rude... :-(
oh dear..sorry.
Yes, but most people don't have a conservatory, and while they can be a good source of passive solar heating, only if adequately insulated.
We're a family of 5, we dont have a conservatory, there has hardly been a suitable day for drying on the outside line in the last 2 years, we do a lot of indoor drying and it's a A-rated tumble dryer.
Yes, we're lucky with the conservatory which is well built (more of an extension with brick walls each side and a glass front.
However, we don't use it at all in the winter months (for drying) using either radiators or clothes horse(s).
A-rated or not, watching your electricity meter when tumble drying is enough to drain the blood from your face :)
I felt a lot less naughty for occasional use of the tumble drier when I read your post Melanie. I cant dry on radiators at the moment as that would involve putting the heating on, which we havn't so far this year. Its a challeng to us now.Sensible use of a A rated machine must be acceptable.
I dry outside, under a canopy, wherever it is not too windy then finish things off in a closed room with a de-humidifier, which is less fuel- hungry than a tumble dryer. The water collected is then used to flush the loo! (Every little saving helps!)
I dry clothes on a couple of racks indoors (no viable outdoor space in this apartment). But for getting rid of cat hair on the sheets & blankets, there's nothing like the dryer. What's the alternative for getting rid of pet fur?
> there has hardly been a suitable day
> for drying on the outside line in the last 2 years
!! Ermm, I beg to differ, though I am further south in UK.
We've had plenty of days warm and windy enough (remember sunshine isn't needed). Though I will conceded that it's very annoying when it starts raining as you head back home. Knowing your washing was probably dry, but is now going to be wet.
However, our house clearly needs insulating as it has dropped below 10C inside in the current weather when the heating is off during the day.
I have washing drying on a line ~ it's been there for 2 years! Maybe 1 day it'll be dry. It was drier when it came out of the machine originally. Now I dry everything over a week in the house. Occasionally I'll light the fire to speed drying. I have no working radiators now & no good reason why they don't work ~ the range has certainly been hot enough to heat them.
I have just had to do without a fridge for the past 2 weeks as my old one died. It's great to have a nice new one now, and I really appreciate it but with this cold weather I just kept everything in a box outside on the balcony! Silver lining to the cloud!
Anonymous: When you say about suitable weather in the UK remember the difference local climate makes -
I live in Bolton. We have had virtually no dry days in months. The back garden despite extensive work to improve its drainage has had surface water almost continuously this autumn often to several inches. I despair about the weather. And yet my parents live in Chester - 50 miles away and most times that I complain about the torrential rain they smile and point out that there's a blue sky and sun in Chester.
To others:
I don't have a conservatory. There's only so many radiators in the house and two airers. Then I turn to the tumble drier and smile. Problem solved! I don't use it for everything but there are times - and it's most weeks when I can't get enough washing dry fast enough to keep the kids in school uniform, etc.
It's easy for those who don't use tumble driers to feel smug - however consider that other people's life styles, house size, family size might make life more difficult for them to do this - plus add in a wet climate where the children come home from school caked in mud from the playground each and every day and then you haven't dried anything outside this week because it has rained heavily each and every day.
I would love to be perfect but I'm not. There's plenty that I do to be more environmentally responsible and other things that aren't perfect. I do my best.
It is probably those pesky kids needing clean and dry clothes that causes the problem.
I live on the 'sunny' South Coast too. I could probably get the washing dry outside all the time if I gave up work ( even if its not raining in the morning it usually is, or has been, by evening) but thats not awfully practical so tumble dryers are handy.
For instance - this weekend, saturday was basically dry, but quite cold. At least one of our neighbours did have washing out on the line. I doubt it dried fully, but would have helped. Sunday was wet almost the whole day.
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