
My mum showed me how to knit when I was a child but I wasn't very good at it. As an adult I picked it up again from time to time but never really "got into" knitting until I found Stitch 'N Bitch by Debbie Stoller.
Knitting's not just for old ladies! Who knew?
The book is written in a "young" and irreverent style. It is stuffed full of knitting patterns for things you actually want to make. But where it really wins in my opinion is the clear instructions for every knitting activity you could wish. Knit and purl stitches, casting on and off (lots of different ways) sewing up, plus the odds and ends like increasing, decreasing, making a buttonhole or a picot edging and so on. This book contains everything you need to know.
Also check out Stitch 'N Bitch Nation by the same author. More fun and funky patterns, and it also teaches you to understand knitting, so you will feel confident enough to modify knitting patterns and even design your own patterns. Her new book about crochet, The Happy Hooker, looks good too.
I'm taking my SnB cardigan to my parents' next weekend so Dad can show me how to do the crochet. The cardi's been finished for months apart from the crochet...
Mel, you should post a picture of your sculls jumper. You leek great weraing it on the school run
I was talking to a friend about the SnB book and she was saying it's not got the easiest patterns in the world. Which is annoying because I'm looking for a decent beginners book on knitting and have yet to find it (admitidly, I've not really been looking that hard though...)
Mildew, I'd get the book. For two reasons:
1. It has a range of patterns - some are easy, some less so, but they all have clear instructions and you can make them. It's knitting, not rocket science.
2. It does have incredibly clear instructions and illustrations. You can always get patterns from elsewhere if you don't like the ones in the book. The internet is full of patterns, for example, and there are lots of knitting magazines as well. Armed with the instructions in the book and a pattern from somewhere else, you'll be unstoppable. Good luck, and don't forget to blog about your creations.
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