Friday, December 08, 2006

Smashing Eggs

The hens haven't been laying for a while. They stop when the days become short. I've been meaning to put a light in the henhouse but I haven't got round to it yet.

Yesterday there was an egg, though, which came as a surprise. I think it came as a surprise to the hen, too. It wasn't in the nesting box as usual but on the pile of poo underneath the place where they like to roost at night. I think it must have just popped out whilst she was half asleep.

At least that one had a soft landing. Today there was another egg that wasn't so lucky. It also seems to have been laid by a perching chicken, and so suffered a fairly long drop onto a hard floor.

What on earth are the silly creatures up to?


Anonymous said...

I fancy being a chicken if I could give birth in my sleep without noticing.

Melanie Rimmer said...

They're chickens. You can cut their heads off without them noticing.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to tell you how to hypnotise a chicken. Our boys think it's hilarious to watch the hypnotised chicken stay still for up to 10 minutes.
Then make a sudden noise, like clicking your fingers, and the hen goes "bwark!", before wandering off looking confused.
It's one of those strange things that Aussies from the bush do...

Unknown said...

That'll be the trick of sighting them along a straight light-coloured line like a chalk line, I expect. 'Sfunny!

Melanie Rimmer said...

Sounds great, how's it done? Can you hypnotise other fowl, such as, oh, just for the sake of argument, pheasants, for example? I ask purely for the sake of information, you understand.

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