I love our house. We moved just over four years ago and I still think every day how lucky we are to live here. It's a small house with a small garden and it's relatively new with none of the period features our old Edwardian townhouse in Liverpool used to have. But it is surrounded by farmland. I can look out of my kitchen window and see a tractor, or cows, or (as today) sheep. It's like being on holiday all the time. There is also a lot of wildlife in the garden and the field nearby, including an amazing range of birds as well as frogs, toads, newts, fieldmice and voles, foxes, rats and grey squirrels. I feel like I'm living in The Wind In The Willows.
One version of our dream is that we buy some of the land we can see from the house, and use it to raise vegetables, fruit and livestock. What's stopping us? We've never done anything like that before, and don't know how to go about it. I understand that farmland doesn't sell in estate agents, for the most part. It sells by private agreement. But how do you actually approach a farmer to negotiate buying some land? What would be a reasonable amount to offer? What about access? How does the conversation go?
Nice blog. Land prices vary considerably, but maybe about £10,000 an acre might be sensible in your area. One place to check is: www.uklanddirectory.org.uk
As to your situation, how about introducing yourselves to the farmer and asking him directly if he'd consider selling you some land as a private sale? You might mention that you're keen on agriculture, and that the land would therefore be cared for and sympathetically used.
Good luck with the good life, and hope you have a Merry Christmas!
-Anonymous from Surrey.
...And check that there are no planning restrictions - you might have to apply for change of use. Good luck, it lookes lovely!
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Thanks to author! I like articles like this, very interesting.
nice blog!
nice blog!Nice information
:-) ochen\' zaebatyj blog!
Keep up the great work. It very impressive. Enjoyed the visit!
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
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