Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Colder Weather

It's been extremely mild here in north Cheshire so far this winter. The pelargoniums are flowering outside, and our gloves and scarves are lying neglected in the bottom of the wardrobe. But this morning I woke to thick fog outside, and frost on my car windscreen. The forecast says it will stay like this, with sub-zero temperatures at night, for the next few days.

It's not only us who have been experiencing this unusually mild weather. Many of Europe's snow resorts have no snow at all so far, and Muscovites have been grumbling about the lack of snow in Red Square.
I wonder what effect this winter will have on the animals and plants round here. Probably it will benefit some and cause others to struggle. For us humans too there are pros and cons. In the "Plus" column it saves us money in heating bills, and inconvenience in being able to get the car started quickly each morning. In the "minus" column, the kids do love playing in the snow each year, as you can see from the photo taken last February, and it will be shame if we see no snow at all this season.


Anonymous said...

Add to the minus side, no respite from slugs or cabbage moth in the vegetable garden. They were still munching our plants until last week.

No hard frosts also means parsnips don't taste as good and garlic doesn't sprout as well.

Lack of snow means no gradual soaking in of thaw water to replenish the water table, which means another year of water crises for us (and other people dependent on boreholes).

I can think of more minuses, but that will do for the night.

Nerd in the Country said...

In the middle ages, it was warmer than it is now. The mini ice age ended all of that balmy weather (and killed off the Vikings in Greenland). We are still playing catch-up. I don't know when we will get the climate that they enjoyed in the middle ages.

But, the warmer temperatures and greater concentration of carbon dioxide is causing quite a greening of planet Earth (as seen by some satellites). This is pulling carbon dioxide out of the air and adding oxygen. The removal of the CO2 is going to moderate the warming trend. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

Meanwhile, it appears that we have gone up one hardiness zone. Maybe we'll be able to plant peaches in a few years. (We can now, and they will grow great. Unfortunately, the blossoms will freeze off and no fruit will set.)

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