
Each of the little grid squares is (very) roughly one square yard. The area is divided into six beds, which will be separated by paths. The green squiggle along the top is the edible thorny hedge we planted to keep vandals out. The pink shaded area is what we cultivated last year, so you can see how much more space we have now.
Bed 1 - Root veg, turnips, beetroot, parsnips etc.
Bed 2 - Misc, sunflowers, tomatoes, courgettes etc.
Bed 3 - Legumes, beans, peas etc.
Bed 4 - Brassicas, cabbages, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohl rabi etc.
Bed 5 - Potatoes, onions, garlic
Bed 6 - Soft fruit, raspberries, blackcurrants, strawberries etc.
The compost heaps are in the middle, there is a straggly rose bush marked as a green circle in the bottom left corner and several rhubarb crowns indicated by circles up the left hand side.
You certainly seem to have your work cut out but I wish you well. If it all comes to fruition (no pun intended, the phrase just came straight out of my head like that), you'll be in with spades (that one was intentional).God's blessings on both of you and your work.
I have never heard of an edible thorny hedge, but it answers a question that has been going around in my head which was to do with security for our "garden to be" - although it's on our property, it is not visible from the house and a heap of backyards back onto it which made me feel a little uneasy (not paranoid though haha). This sounds like the answer.
It looks like you have a good plan going. We haven't even figured out what we're going to grow. In fact, I'm considering being lazy this year and letting the fenced in area go fallow and planting our veggies in the tires (tyres) that I have laid out in front of the house as 'redneck raised beds'. A lot depends on whether or not we manage to buy a tiller this year. I never did manage to totally eradicate the weeds in our large garden, and they are tenacious. The grass is especially bad. Even tilling it doesn't work for long because each chopped up piece of grass ends up just growing more grass. [sigh]
Meanwhile, the apples ought to do well this year. I pruned them back to bloody stubs last year, and got nothing but leaves (as expected). Also, we hope to get something from the thornless red raspberries this year, and maybe a berry or two from the black raspberries and blackberries. We just need to keep the goats out of the patch, and keep the chickens away from the strawberries.
Wow, now I understand why you've been digging so much! How exciting to have lots more space ... and a little daunting too, I guess ;)
The plan really gets the space across. Do I feel a naieve allotment painting coming on?
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