
It was a joint effort. I got up at 6am and was digging on the allotment at 6:30. I got a solid couple of hours' work done as Ed got the kids up and ready for school. The Ed took over the digging whilst I took the kids to school.
For 10 hours, one or the other of us (often both) were hard at work on the allotment. I now ache in places I didn't know I had places. I have hands like a navvy and blisters on my insteps. And we still only got about half as much dug as we hoped. It was fun, though. I really enjoyed it and the time seemed to pass very quickly. I also picked the first stalks of rhubarb which I stewed and ate with custard.
We'll do more on Sunday, after tomorrow's concert, but for now we'll rest and heal our aching muscles.
That explains why you were in the bath when I rang last night. Because I knew you weren't due your bath til Easter.
I admire your dedication and tenacity.
Well done; great teamwork. Hope the muscles don't ache too much. Nice looking stalks of rhubarb.
Hi Melanie, I've just discovered your blog following a link over on Women In Podcasting from Wiggly Heather... and I love it! Does blogger allow you to create what Typepad call a 'Blidget'... which would allow me to show your recent headlines on my wellbeing blog Essential Claire (http://claireraikes.blogs.com/claires_blog/)? It would be so cool if you could - I know my readers would love your blog. :o)
Hi Melanie, I recently found your blog too (although I can't remember where from). As odd as it may seem, I have to say I am a little jealous of your achey muscles. I live in an apartment and am hoping beyond hope for a spot in the community garden this summer. I am really enjoying reading about your gardening and anti-consumption adventures.
(p.s. I'm also a Melanie)
Hi Claire and Melanie. Nice to meet you, hope you'll stick around. Interesting question about a "blidget" - I'll look into that. In the meantime, I have got a few buttons you can use to link to Bean-Sprouts. I'll publish them next week.
Hi there, you have a great blog :)
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Well, now that you have a little digging practice under your belt, you could always come and help me hoe a quarter of an acre of severely compacted soil. It's too hard for the rotavator (and too hard for grass to grow well), so I've been breaking it up with a very heavy digging hoe.
As well as that, there's another quarter acre to rotavate, a quarter acre to level once the pigs have moved on, and 18 vegetable beds to finish off.
I don't try to do it all at once though. I just work my way through the digging in order of priority of planting so I'm digging most days between mid-February and early May, weather permitting.
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