The exact details of how to do that vary from one web host to another, especially if you are using a blog host rather than tinkering with html yourself. I sometimes use this html chart when I can't remember a tag. In this case you want the < img > tag.
Then make the image be a link to Again this varies from blog to blog, or you can do it in html. This tutorial page shows you how.
Please, please, if you haven't done this before (or even if you have) make a backup of your html before you start editing it, by copying it into a document and saving it. That way, if it all goes wrong you can put it back exactly the way it was.
A larger button
A banner, for the really keen bean-sprouts fan.
Edited at 13:10BST: The RSS feed for this blog is now also available on LiveJournal. Just add MRimmerBlog to your friends list. Thanks very much, Gid.
the RSS feed for this blog is now also available on LiveJournal.. just add MRimmerBlog to your friends list..
Cheers, ArGid! Did you set that up?
I can not lie.. I got the wife to do it.. :-)
Now, that's going to make my life easier!
Is this all supposed to mean something ? Am I supposed to understand or is this one of those "Don't worry about it, Bill. I'll explain later.", things ?
You don't need to know, Dad. It's for people who have their own websites and want to link to my blog via a pretty picture.
Sorry if you didn't get anything out of today's post. Tomorrow I'll put up a picture of your granddaughter just for you.
Can't comment on your films post because there is no comment link to click....!
So, here goes! I loved Renee Zellweger in Cold Mountain too. Did she get an Oscar for that....she should have? I thought the film a poor relation to the book....except for Ruby....Renee Zellweger.
The book was a truly wonderful read. I didn't want Nicole Kidman to play the heroine....she shouldn't have been pretty.
Weird - I must have accidentally pressed the "don't allow comments" button. I've fixed it now, thanks for telling me.
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