Sunday, January 27, 2008

Quilting Bug

quilt blocksI haven't done any patchwork and quilting for ages now, but the other day the bug bit me and I pulled out all my stash and spread it over the living room floor. I came across a bag of scraps, some of them only an inch square, given to me a while ago by friend. She and I had started sewing them into 6.5" square blocks, but I had put them away and done no more. I decided to resume this project.

In the last couple of days I have doubled the number of blocks, and have decided how I'm going to "set" the blocks (arrange them into a pattern). I know how big the finished quilt will be and who it is for (shhh, it's a secret). I don't know what I'm going to do about borders yet, and I've only got the vaguest idea about backing, and don't even ask me about the quilting until it's all put together.

It's a proper thrift quilt, made almost entirely from fabric I already have, left over from other projects. I'm going to have to buy the batting (stuffing) for it, but I hope I can do all the rest from my stash.


kate said...

Isn't it incredible how large our stashes of fabric and yarns can grow? It's wonderful that you are using your stash in a quilt ... and now you can continue to build a new stash!!!

heather t said...

Batting ideas: my mom made quilts for us using old blankets as batting. Not sure what they were made of - it was the days before microfleece - but they were some sort of fuzzy synthetic fabric.

I just made a quilt for friends and used an old fleece blanket for the batting. You could re-purpose a flat bedsheet for the backing.

Linda said...

I recently got into my craft closet and found some scrap squares I had put together a long time ago and then left. Perhaps this will be the year I will do something with them. Your quilt blocks look lovely.

Anonymous said...

Microfleece works beautifully to back a quilt. Part of the beauty is that you only need the two layers. The fleece is lovely and soft without your quilt feeling heavy. The biggest bonus is if you already have a blanket it is free, if you don't have a blanket buying one will not break the bank.

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