Friday, January 04, 2008

Steph's Here

Steph has come for a few days. As usual we are having lots of fun, and being extremely busy. We're making a shelving unit for the kitchen entirely out of bits of wood, paint etc. we already had in the shed. She also persuaded me to restart my monthly bird watching lists. She helped me to make some recycled paper briquettes. We went to the antique/junk shop and bought a lovely glazed pot with a lid for my sourdough starter. It's much more attractive than having a scary monster in a cup on the windowsill with nasty plastic wrap over the top, and as it's second hand that's better than buying something new just for the purpose. We made ice cream containing coconut milk, and a delicious thai curry to use up the leftover coconut milk from the ice cream. And last night we lit a fire in the fireplace and drank sherry and sat reading books from my Christmas pile and reading out funny or interesting bits to each other and then discussing them.

I'll show you photos of some of these activities when I get a chance to upload them to the computer. But I'm just typing this update in a few minutes I grabbed between other things.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely sharing time with Steph. Love the reading and sharing tidbits. Please share the recipe for the ice cream with coconut milk. Thank you.

kathyann said...

Just found you from another blog and I love the soud of coconut ice cream,is there a recipe!love Kathyann and the girls at meg's mum's muffins

Melanie Rimmer said...

The ice cream was one of Delia's recipes. It's at:,1236,RC.html