
On our plot they pushed over an empty water butt and some bean canes and dismembered Pippa. It's OK though, I've put her back together now. In case you're wondering, the photo for todays entry doesn't show one of the vandals, that's my lovely God-daughter Rebecca.
I spent most of today fixing the damage, hoeing and digging. I've finally finished digging, although I now need to shovel the earth back into the hole and rake it all over to make a nice seed bed. The best news is one of my courgette plants has tiny tiny courgettes on it!
It's so disheartening, isn't it? Although you seem to be less annoyed than I was when the same sort of thing happened to our allotments, althoughnwe didn't have any fires, just theft and destruction.
I just don't understand whatt pleasure the little toerags get out of it.
There really wasn't much damage to our plot, nothing I couldn't put right in about an hour. I think only two plot-holders suffered real losses (tomatoes and raspberry plants were roasted near the burnt out shed) and even they seem sanguine about it. The consensus is it was just little kids.
I've been asked to move my water butt away from the fence - our plots borders a footpath and butts, compost bins and such can be used as "stepping stones" to get over the fence. I'm thinking of planting blackberries and gooseberries there - with the longest thorns I can find.
Blackthorn's good, too. Lots of prickles, and sloes!
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