
It snowed last night, so plans to plant the soft fruit bushes are on hold. The ground isn't frozen, but I just want to see how long this "cold snap" lasts. It could be a flash in the pan, or we could be in for a long hard winter starting three months late.
Still, the children will be glad if they get to use their sledges this winter after all.
No snow here, but definitely much colder. I'm hoping to be able to dig a trench down the allotment today for my beans, but I wonder how much chill I'll be able to take!
No snow in Preston either. Quite mild really, gorgeous sunrise and beautiful blue skies right now :)
There was frost out the front this morning in Sunderland, & TJ's thermometer in the back garden (he got a Weather Watch kit for Christmas - cool, thanks Michelle & Bethany) said it was 2'C. He decided to measure the temperature in celcius, not farenheight,so he could see quicker how close to freezing we're getting.
Blue skies and a firm breeze. Just right for a brisk walk along the bohreen. But from eight until half ten it was blowing a blizzard along the valley. Couldn't see the length of the haggard.
In Sunderland we've just had a downpour of wetish hail. I wonder what we'll wake up to in the morning?
We're finally getting serious snow up here in the foothills of Aberdeenshire with about 5cm (2in) between 6pm and 10.15pm.
It's about time we had the proper winter weather. Normally, the first serious snowfalls are in October or early November. This is the first real snowfall this winter so it's only three months late.
No snow in Swansea, but the Brecon Beacons are white. A very cold easterly blow today. Brrrrr...
Stay inside & warm and dry up North!
My rasperry canes arrived at the weekend - I need to heel them in as it's still too wet here to plant them I think.
No snow in Durham, it's just cold and grotty.
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