Saturday, January 20, 2007

Please Sign This Petition

Back in August I wrote about an allotment site in London which is due to be demolished in a few weeks' time to make way for a footpath serving the London Olympics site. The footpath will exist for only 4 weeks. The allotments have been there for 100 years.

I'm proud that Britain will be hosting the Olympics in 2012. I'm looking forward to it and I hope it will be a great success. It's an opportunity to show the world what is great about Britain. Not an excuse to demolish some of the great things about it. I'd like to see the footpath go around the allotments, with big banners put up saying:


Please, take a few seconds and sign this petition:


Wulf said...

Thanks for highlighting this - I've no hesitation about signing my name to support this petition, and it gives me something to pass on via my blog as well this morning!


Anonymous said...

You're right on with your idea and I believe that it would actually serve the community and the visitors if they could be a wee bit educated on the matter.

Anonymous said...

hey, im not into the eco friendly things, so i dont see how its so bad if alotments are being demolished really. where else can they build on and its in london its not as if its your alotment.
so why worry about things you cant control


Anonymous said...

I have seen this on a number of forums Mel and have signed the petition.

Great that you are highlighting it here also - the more the merrier

Anonymous said...

Amy - so sad that you totally miss the point.

Please do take the time to visit the link and read the whole article and see the film click.

It is not about being eco friendly, it is about people who have plots and live off the land and have done so for many generations.

It is about a community of many people who have no gardens, but who meet and grow their own food - and so much more.

Unknown said...

Amy, denial is not an option. You may not be able to control this, but you can influence it by signing the petition. How would you feel if that footpath meant you were going to have your garden ripped up?

Mel - done, done and done.

Anonymous said...

well, if it was my garden then fair enough, however we are talking about another place, a place that i do not visit and when the olympics arrive i would like to go there, so people would need a foot path.

i am thinking logically. olympics are coming to london, they need somewhere to build therefore why not build on allotments im sure they will be re assigned another plot.

i just do not understand why a petition needs to be signed for something so small, when many other issues arise than an allotment being demolished.

in my opinion its trivial, and pointless.
but taking into consideration that it may be my garden, i wouldnt like it, but gardening anyway is so much work.

its time consuming and boring, and i wish we never had a grass garden.
i have plenty of things i could be doing which are more worthwhile.

anyway this is my opinion and how i feel about it, i hope i havent offended you mel.

Melanie Rimmer said...

You haven't offended me at all, Amy. You're entirely entitled to your opinion, and entitled not to sign the petition if you don't agree with it. I'm glad you joined in the debate.

Just to take one of your points, though - even if they are assigned another plot, that's not the same at all. For one thing they may have some established plants such as fruit trees which take years to grow to maturity, so a new plot means losing a big investment of money and time and starting again from scratch. For another things, it takes years to eradicate weeds and pests, and build soil condition and fertility, and just to get to know the local conditions and microclimate. Being assigned a new plot is a very big setback. But you're right, they probably will be given a new plot, and the council may make some concessions such as promising to lay on luxuries like sheds and standpipes to each plot and a new toilet block and all kinds of "benefits". This often happens when allotments are demolished, so local people think "Oh well that's all right then, those allotment people should be grateful because the new site sounds much better than the old one". But really it's not, it's a terrible loss.

One last point and then I'll say no more about this. Did you read the news story about the rapist who was caught because of allotment gardeners?
I made the point that having close communities, such as communities of allotment gardeners (but also e.g. ramblers associations, pub quiz teams, Girl Guides, church choirs, all kinds of things) makes us all safer. You may not see the point of those things, and you may not want to join them, which is fine. But you do benefit from them all the same. If they all suddenly broke up, you would personally be less safe. So they're worth fighting for even if you're not a member yourself. That's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

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