
Thanks to Throbgoblins for the image.
It's Earth Hour at 8pm this evening. Please turn your lights and other unnecessary gadgets off at 8pm local time for one hour to save energy and (mainly) to raise awareness about climate change.
Google is marking the day by putting a dark background on its home page. Dark colour schemes are said to reduce energy usage on older-style CRT monitors, although they make no difference on modern LCD flat screens.
The BBC are covering the event with a story on their web page and an audio story. Bean Sprouts reader Killi tells us that her electricity bill from ESB, the Irish electricity supplier, had the WWF logo on the front and a promotion for Earth Hour on the back. The city of San Francisco has moved its Lights Out event from October to March 29th, to align with Earth Hour.
Tell a friend. Spread the word. Start a debate. Join in.
I'm afraid that I think holding this during the Prime Time viewing slot of a Saturday evening may not be their best move if they want people to take part in switching stuff off :-)
Annon asked that we trip the master switch at 8. I argued against it, because of the fridge, then thought that the fridge is cold, & the contents could last an hour. The only thing I'd like to keep on is Mindy's (chick/duckling/gosling) heat lamp as she's in an unrenovated cold & damp room with her puppies & they all crowd in together under the lamp which is over their cage ~ I can't move the cage into the kitchen & back again without causing the puppies & mummy distress. & I can't carry mummy dog anyway as she's heavy, leggy & awkward. She won't allow any of the other dogs to join her in the cage & help with her puppies, or even in the same room as them, so I can't put all 5 other adult dogs in to help keep everyone warm, besides which, I'd like a hot water puppy or 3! Shall I be cruel & leave her cold for an hour?
We are joining in.
I am already sitting mostly in the dark in anticipation of 8pm. I might just go to bed. I heard people used to sleep when it got dark and got up before daylight. I know the birds sure do start to make a racket at around 4am.
I guess "burning the midnight oil" will be a thing of the past soon.
I celebrated Earth Hour playing Boggle by candlelight with my family and and a few friends.
Oh and Happy Birthday Melanie!
An hour without electric light turned into the rest of the evening,although we did watch a video from 9.00pm. Bliss! Thanks for this relaxing energy saving suggestion and happy birthday.
Happy birthday for yesterday.
I really enjoyed the intimacy of sitting in quiet candlelight for an hour. Might do it every week.
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