
Happy Easter to all Bean Sprouts readers. We woke this morning to several inches of snow, which is more than I've seen all winter. We had an Easter Egg hunt in the garden, thanks to my Dad who provided a huge bucket full of chocolate eggs for the purpose. Once all the eggs had been found a snowball fight ensued, followed by a breakfast of hot chocolate and chocolate eggs indoors. We'll go to church at 11am and I expect the snow will have melted by then. But if there is any still lying on the hilltops we may head up to Lyme Park with the sledges for a bit more snowy fun, and then come home to roast lamb, Yorkshire pudding and vegetables for dinner.
The stunning image is by Marc Roberts of
Throbgoblins, who is also behind our regular Sunday funnies. If you get it printed up as a greetings card by next year, I'll buy a couple of packets, Marc.
Hello there ! Happy Easter .. all that chocolate sounds WONDERFUL !
Happy Easter. We've just got back from Church which was wonderful, as we took a friend from Shanghai who found the whole thing very moving. The kids have so many chocolate eggs I think I'll need to buy new school uniforms in bigger sizes. The snow hasn't settled up here, it's been too wet. Tomorrow we'll visit Penshaw Monument for egg rolling. We're having lamb too, with Yorkshire puddings as well.
Happy Easter. Beautiful artwork. Isn't it funny having Easter so early there's snow on the ground? It's chilly here in the states and I opted for sensible black pants for church rather than Easter finery, too cold. Thanks for your wonderful posts, have been reading your blog for the past few months. Keep up the good work.
gardenjoy: Some parents take away their children's Easter eggs, Christmas chocolate and so on, then hand out a sensible ration each day. I prefer to let them gorge themselves until they feel sick. Partly because I'm too lazy and because I hate the whining "Can I have more, mum, pleeeeeeeeeeease?", but also because I think it's a valuable lesson.
Yellow: your Easter service sounds wonderful. It's always great when you get the chance to view something familiar through someone else's eyes.
anonymous: Apparently white Easters are statistically more common in Britain than white Christmases. Thanks for your kind comments. I hope you'll keep visiting and joining in the dicussions.
We've had some cold Easters, and ours here was very rainy, but I don't remember snow! Aleast it kept your chocolate from melting!
Enjoy, Paula
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