
But if your bike has been rusting in the shed all winter it's important to clean and oil it before you hit the road. The chain in particular should be thoroughly cleaned at regular intervals. When was the last time you cleaned your bike chain? Uhuh. I thought so.
To do a really proper job of cleaning a manky bike chain, of course you need to disassemble it. Don't panic, it's easier than it sounds. There are clear step-by-step instructions, with photographs, at Sheldon Brown's excellent webpage on the topic. I strongly advise you to read it carefully.
If you enjoyed Sheldon's bike chain cleaning article, visit his home page for more advice, information, enthusiasm and humour about cycling. RIP Sheldon Brown (1944-2008)
May I just add, for the sake of possible litigation following your recommendation of this site, that all potential customers read the 'warnings' carefully. I would further add that it is not recommended that you read them whilst drinking hot beverages, as scalding or screen damage may occur.
Melanie~The last time I commented was regarding the blog creation.
haven't done it, as there are so many good ones I just keep reading.
We will be pulling the bikes out for some maintenance here. So that link will come in handy.
My question though....a friend gave me a sprouter. I'm 42 and have never done sprouts.
But she handed this to me, and so it must be time.
Do you have a previous post about growing these?
Or a link you recommend?
I reckon it can't be that hard, but having never done it before, thought I'd ask for a bit of your advice and insight.
Thanks, Lisa
Hi Lisa - I hope you enjoy the bike chain maintenance link, but please read it very carefully all the way through to the end before you attempt the technique described.
I have indeed written about sprouting beans, and you're right, it isn't hard. There are instructions at:
How to Make a Bean Sprouter
Bean Sprouts
and a recipe for bean sprouts at:
Good luck!
Thank you!! You are fast. I knew there must be something on your blog about growing bean sprouts!
Going to start some today.
Thank you! I really need to clean up my bike.
Just dropping by from Blotanical. Enjoyed the variety and brevity of your posts.
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