Steph and I spent all day today sewing a banner for the kids' school. My daughter's teacher asked me to help with this project. Every student in her class had painted a design on to a 12" square of fabric. I assembled these into a huge banner with a hanging sleeve at the back and 2" sashing strips separating all 30 squares. I'll take a photo when they hang it up in the school hall - there's nowhere in my house big enough to hang it or lay it flat to photograph it.
That picture reminds me of when I was about two, and I stepped on the treadle of mum's old Singer sewing machine. I'm told that the needle went right through the nail of my little finger, and mum had to wind the wheel to lift the needle, then pull my finger down off the needle. I don't remember the even, and it's left no scar, but it's a tale I remember her recanting..
I remember when I got home from school being taken upstairs to the toilet where your Mum recounted the story to me, vomited in the pan then feinted. When she had recovered, she told me she had been waiting all day with the incident inside her.
I never knew that, dad.
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