- Cut up a credit card
- Plant something you can cultivate and eat
- Contact local food producers
- Re-think your vending machines at work
- Book a half-day off work to spend with someone you love, no DIY allowed!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
National Downshifting Week
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How lovely to see NDW up here and thank you for highlighting it in your blog.
We have just all finished scoffing sausages for lunch and are still picking at them - lol - we will look like a bunch of piggies soon!
Have a smashing day and I do hope your readers can help spread the word - this is an impactful campaign, non-profits and all about helping people slow down and green up!
Wishing you all the best,
...back to the sausages...
Prompted by you (thanks!) I visited the downshifting site and printed off the activities list. I can see a couple I can sill do work on!
That's great and you are welcome!
I think there's just too much guilt and pressure put on us to be 'eco-perfect' and if we just slow down our pace a little, we can effect enormous change.
Ditch the guilt for what you are NOT doing, and start feeling GOOD about what you ARE doing!
Have a lovely, thoroughly lazy Sunday! x
I totally agree, Tracey. That's very much the philosphy behind this blog. Eco-perfection is not on the menu - getting informed, taking realistic action, and having fun are dish of the day.
For NDW, Ed and I are planning to spend some time together doing things we enjoy this week. Last night we watched a movie together.
I downshifted a couple of years ago to a two day week for 39 weeks per year.
Next year I'm looking forward to downshifting to 0 days for 52 weeks :0)
Does it count if I build a wee surf paradise island in Second Life and held a beach party for my friends?
I downshifted but something strange happened. I went from working 80 hours a week, earning a substantial salary and managing swine to working 80 hours a week, earning almost nothing and breeding swine.
Explain that one!!! :D
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