
I saw this great idea for recycling broken crayons on the blog
An Irish Craftworker's Good Life. You put the small bits of wax crayon into patty tins in a warm oven (she recommends using the leftover heat when you've finished cooking the dinner, which is a nice energy-saving touch). They melt together into round multi-coloured crayons that give fun effects when you draw with them.
Are they hard to get out of the tins? Maybe if I lined the dents with foil, then I could lift them out & peel off the foil. I'm off to have a rummage in the garage for our crayon pot
Try greasing the tins?
Yeah, how did you get the tin clean Mel? I've made candles in the past and remember what a chore cleaning up was.
I don't know if greasing the tins would work. Isn't crayon wax mostly oils anyway?
I wonder if you could put them in paper cake cases, and peel back the paper. Or would that be a fire hazard?
What a storm in a teapot! The crayons pop out of the tins really easily, leaving no mess behind. I didn't grease or line the tins or anything. The mess from candle-making is usually bcause you melt the wax in a double boiler then pour it into moulds (spilling some in the process). But with this the melting container is the mould so no pouring and no mess.
They're also good for improving cheap crayons - you know the type with not enough pigment for the amount of wax, that you get free at the Wacky Warehouse or Pizza Hut? Because the pigment seems to sink so you end up with a layer of uncoloured wax on top and a dense layer of pigment in the bottom. You just have to remember to draw with the pigment side.
We've made these "crayon cookies" and used cupcake liners in the tin. We also used an old tin that we keep for crafts use only.
If you use the cupcake liners, you get a nice corrugated edge to the new crayons which can give a nice effect to your coloring.
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