
It was a great farmer's market with so many stalls that they could not all fit in the Civic Centre, so some of them were outside in the car park. The stalls were very varied. For example there were fresh fish, meat, sausages, pate, olives, honey, hand-made soap, sticky toffee puddings and more. Most importantly, they all seemed to be bona-fide small producers and they were all friendly and keen to answer my impertinent questions. They were also very generous with tasting samples and I came home quite full without even buying anything.
It's held on the first Sunday of every month from 9am - 1pm, at Poynton Civic Hall. I'll be marking the August date in my calendar and I'll remember to take my purse with me next time.
Mark Bennion of Ipstones Park Farm kindly allowed me to reproduce this recipe:
Ipstones Park Farm Meatballs in a Red Wine Sauce
Add 6 tablespoons red wine and 4-5 tablespoons double cream to a bowl together with 5 tablespoons fresh breadcrumbs and leave to soak for approx 30 minutes. Heat 1oz unsalted butter in a frying pan and add a finely chopped onion. Fry until soft and golden. Once done, remove the onions from the pan and leave to cool.
In a bowl, mix the cooled onion and soaked breadcrumbs with a free range egg, 1lb Ipstones Farm minced beef, fresh herbs of your choice, and a pinch of salt and pepper. With wet hands for the mixture into meatballs. Heat 1oz butter in a frying pan and fry the meatballs until they are a dark golden colour on all sides. Once done remove them from the pan and keep them warm.
To make the red wine sauce, stir 1oz flour into the fat of the meatball frying pan and brown for a few seconds. Then stir in 9 fl. oz beef stock and 9 fl. oz red wine. Whisk lightly to combine then add 9 fl. oz fresh cream and let the sauce cook through for approx 10 minutes. Season accordingly. Add the meatballs and simmer gently for approx 45 minutes or until the sauce has thickened and the meatballs are cooked and tender.
Prepare fresh pasta and salad. Serve the dish with a sprinkling of fresh herbs and grated cheese of your choice.
You can buy Ipstones Park farm minced beef and other top quality meat from Mark Bennion at:
Ipstones Park Farm
Park Lane
Near Leek
Telephone: 01538 266 049
Mobile: 07840 076 276 or 07808 086 234
I just love farmers markets! I am careful though, to make sure they are local growers. At my local market in Hillingdon one of the stalls was from a farm in Lincolnshire!!! the organizers claim that it was within their criteria!
You're quite right, Matron. I've been to some "farmer's markets" where there were stalls selling cheap towels and mobile phone fascias, and veg from the cash-and-carry sold at twice the price a greengrocer would charge for the same stuff. You need to ask impertinent questions, and complain to the organisers if you think there are abuses.
London markets do cast the net quite wide, being a bit short of genuinely local suppliers. My local farmer's market have a 100 mile radius, which would indeed include Lincolnshire.
It doesn't mean they're not passionate about what they're doing - Growing Communities work really hard on local food on a lot of fronts. It's just genuinely hard to find really local farmers who can supply direct - most are still locked into the supermarket system.
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