I like Lidl's scheme, common practice in Germany - charge for 'em. The lengths people will go to to save 10p *VASTLY* outstrip the lengths they'll go to not to fck up the planet.
Depressing, but true.
Cartoon by Marc Roberts of Throbgoblins. Marc's cartoons will be featured in the magazine New Internationalist starting in October. Congratulations Marc!
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Carl's right. There was a discussion somewhere or other not long back about some large shop or other charging for carrier bags - and lots of people were outraged. Daft lot.
I might use carriers if I buy things on impulse, but if I make a deliberate journey to go shopping I always take a selection of bags with me. These include a cool bag for frozen stuff and a couple of bottle bags for the invevitable bottles of pop or squash. Makes sense to me..
We've got a lovely independent health food shop in my local town in Suffolk and they've recently started charging for carrier bags. It's amazing that a few people complained and walked out of the shop muttering about going elsewhere where they could get a free bag. Good news is that most people have got used to it and have even praised their news scheme.
Carl is Da Man! He has it totally right. You take 10 average consumers and tell them their groceries will cost $1 mor unless they bring a bag or use no bag, they will elect to save that $1
We have some stores here in the US that are doing away with plastic bags. I think once people adjust to something they're fine. Most people would value not having heaps of plastic bags all over their houses to dispose of.
If I find myself without the reusable kind I will carry things in both arms, under chin and on the heads of both kids before I have to bring another damn bag into my house.
Just wondering, would it be responsible to reuse them to keep down weeds or put over baby seeds?
I don't know if I've mentioned this earlier but I was shopping in a UK store and bought 2 largeish tems. The bags I'd brought weren't big enough, so I just loaded them back in the trolly after I'd paid and headed for the door, receipt in my hand in case a security guard stopped me. The sales assistant was most agitated, and chased me down the aisle and ended up putting a strip of store-branded tape on the boxes. Madness. She just couldn't concieve of the idea of my not wanting two HUGE bags when I had to pick the items up in two arms anyway to lift them into the car as the bag's handles wouldn't have taken the weight. What's the problem. I had the receipt. World gone mad.
Here in France there are no give-away plastic bags in supermarkets. You have to bring or buy a reusable bag. Nobody objects. We take a basket (one we bought about 15 years ago) to the market and refuse to accept plastic bags. Our local shop uses paper bags for vegetables and fruit, but we recycle these for collecting our own veg from the garden. I remember in Wales seeing plastic bags blowing in the wind everywhere on roadsides, in fields, but we don't get that here.
Here in Ireland there was a suggestion that the cost of a plastic bag should go up as people had started buying lots & causing litter with them once again. I've no idea what a bag costs or if they've gone up as I always take my own bags shopping. When in the UK for biggie's wedding I bought a Tesco ladybird bag as they're much nicer than the fabric bags here (& being away I hadn't planned on shopping much, so left the 1 bag at bem's inlaws when I went out)
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