
So now I urgently need to get labels printed and buy some new jars of the proper size. And, of course, encourage the bees to make more honey. When we checked them on Sunday morning they still hadn't begun to draw out the frames of foundation that we put on when we took the honey over a week ago, much less start to fill them with honey. It's a bit of a mystery.
We put a second brood box on top of the first one to give the queen more space to lay eggs. We want to build up a really strong colony so we can divide it and have two strong colonies by the time winter comes. And we gave them back the drained frames we took the honey from. They should lick those clean, repair them, and start to fill them with honey again. The weather has been great and it's the height of the nectar flow. They should be able to fill a super with honey in a couple of weeks in conditions like this.
How exciting! Best of luck! I hope you will be dripping with honey real soon.
Good luck - hope it all works out for you :)
Good luck Mel, I predict a buzzing business!
If you will email me the details with sketch of what you'd like your label to look like, it would be my pleasure to design the labels for your bee business. You name the size you want from an array of sticky backed label sheets and I'll email you a layout for printing as many as fits a letter size sheet. I appreciate honey growers, its the least I can do. Follow my blog to my graphics business for samples of my work for ideas.
This brings back happy memories for me. We used to keep bees when I was a child. It is so good to hear someone who has a healthy colony this year too!
My brother in law and sister in law are about to embark upon bee keeping so I have directed them to your blog Mel. Good luck with the supply chain. Come on bees get buzzy!
A nasty thought occurred - will you have to have environmental health etc checks on your honey? It might turn out not to be worth the hassle. I still wish you all the very best though - I really do hope it all works out.
We'd love to keep bees but I'm absolutely terrified of being stung. What a wuss!
Hi I'm a fellow bee keeper new this year, hoping the same, although I've not taken any yet from my swam.
Anyway if you don't know already you can get pre-printed labels in all styles and seals from the bee equipment supplier
Regarding the comment on sales, there's an official Defa/CSL leaflet somewhere, but here's a list of what you have to ensure if you're selling yours
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