Here in Britain we are finally having a nice summer after several long years of cold, dark, wet summers and it feels glorious! I am spending every minute I can out of doors shedding as many clothes as I dare and letting the sun warm my skin. I must admit I have got sunburned more than once already this season, which is not very wise.
Enjoy the special day, readers, and enjoy the summer.
Hi Melanie, I don't know where in the uk you are, but here in the east we are still waiting for summer to arrive! Today has been freezing cold, like an autumn day.
Anyway happy solstice!
100% agree. Good to be alive. Regards from DocRichard (cannot be bothered to remind Google i exist)
Even over here, in The Emerald Isle, summer is making every effort to show she is still alive and kicking. Yesterday, Sunday, was wall-to-wall sunshine and today is set to be the same. Spending a lot of time sitting outside with my usual book-and-cuppa, gazing over the valley and just soaking up the sun to sound of the swallows and the cattle. I feel encalmed, if I'm allowed to use that word.
Dad, in the land that gave us James Joyce you are allowed to use any word you like, or make new ones up to suit.
Lovely, fresh and not too cold here in Yorkshire for the Solstice Sun rise.
Happy Solstice to you and to everyone.
Love your post. You may enjoy my Solstice post: http://www.thisgrandmothersgarden.com/2010/06/summer-solstice-in-my-utah-garden.html
Happy Solstice!
Yaaay, summer! I'm so glad these days are longer!
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