Thursday, July 06, 2006

All Things Organic

As part of my Tesco withdrawal I signed up for an organic box scheme from and today our first box arrived. Sam and I were very excited as we rummaged through our goodies. So far I'm impressed - there was a good balance between lots of variety and a decent amount of each product. The veg is even washed and picture-perfect, which makes me a bit suspicious about what happens to the differently-attractive produce. Part of the charm of organic food is washing the mud off yourself, and showing everyone the potatoes that look like Dennis Healy or whatever.

We're awash with carrots and tomatoes since I already had some in the fridge, but the delivery guy said we can request "no more tomatoes" in the next box, which will come in handy when the allotment starts producing. In the middle of a glut of runner beans the last thing you'd want would be a delivery of beans you have to pay for. They can even include organic dry goods (such as pasta and tea bags) or organic wine.

All Things Organic is specific to this area - apparently all veg comes "from Cheshire & Lancashire farms", but they are part of Organics 4U which deliver anywhere in the UK (in case any of my faithful readers think they might try it themselves).


blackberry44 said...

How lovely!

Are they very expensive? The only time I ever tried an organic box delivery, I was rather disappointed at the small quantity of each vegetable. They didn't seem to have much idea about the amount of vegetables a small family can eat.

Melanie Rimmer said...

I know what you mean. 5 portions a day (at least) for 3 people in your family suggests 105 portions of fruit and veg per week at a minimum. We need more like 175 for 5 of us. That's a heck of a lot of fruit and veg.

I got the large box which cost £23.90, and sounds roughly similar to the cost of organic produce in Tesco. There were small, medium and extra large options as well. I'd like more fruit next time and fewer cabbages, but you can specify that kind of thing.

Nerd in the Country said...

If you end up with too many tomatoes, they are very simple to can. We put up over fifty quarts of tomatoes last year (juice and stewed). Alas, all of our plants died this year -- the first time that has happened to me.

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