
Ed has a theory that cats are getting in and spooking them, causing them to fly over the fence. We don't want to clip their wings because then they wouldn't be able to get away from the cats, so the only solution is to keep the cats away from the chickens. That means building a pen.
So today we've been making a cat-proof chicken run using the timber we saved when we took out a stud wall in the kitchen, and the chicken wire that we found in the garage when we moved here. I always like making something for nothing. Especially when the resource we are penning in is only providing 50pence worth of eggs per day, I don't want to spend £200 on timber to protect it.
The chickens haven't laid today. Maybe it's all the people in the garden all day long hammering and sawing which has upset them. Or maybe it's because they know their days of complete freedom are numbered.
Oh, and Pippa (the scarecrow http://bean-sprouts.blogspot.com/2006/06/meet-pippa.html) is dead. She was there last night at about half past eight but this morning she was thoroughly dismembered and most of her is missing. So near to the fence I suppose she was always going to be a vandal magnet, so I don't think we'll replace her. Rest In Pieces, Pippa. You may rise again on the smallholding, but you never stood a chance on the allotment.
What a shame about Pippa!
I can't imagine what pleasure the little toe-rags get out of vandalising something like that.
I can understand broken glass - it makes such a satisfying smash, and sometimes I'd like to smash a few windows myself, but a scarecrow?
Pure nastiness!
I know, it was really quite nasty. They broke the canes that were her arms, snapped her hippy love beads and scattered the beads around the plot, smashed the top off the traffic cone that formed her base. Most of her is missing altogether (head, hat, jumper). But I did things I regret when I was young, and one day they'll be our age and they'll regret the things they did. Especially if they put time and effort into making something themselves and see it pointlessly destroyed.
Hiya Mel. Yeah maybe Pippa was too bright & drew the attention of the kids. I even think making a boring one at this time would still cause them to repeat their vandalism.
Not to worry.
I don't think it was the brightness, just the existence of it. Unlike Geri, I can see why kids would think it fun to smash a scarecrow. I don't agree with it, but I can understand it's a temptation.
Thanks for making her for us, Steph. She was lots of fun whilst she lasted. I'm sure she scared the birds off the pea seedlings whilst they were getting established because another allotment holder was sure the pigeons would get them but they never did.
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