
We live on the outskirts of the village, on a small crescent surrounded by a large dairy farm. The crescent opens on to a country lane with no footpath. The village centre is 2 miles away.
Today I am just sitting at home waiting for the garage to call. Well, I'm not just sitting, there's laundry to do, cleaning, keeping the kids occupied, not to mention the large pile of essays to be marked.
How many jars did it make? Now you're asking.
It's 10lbs of ingredients and it made 4 1/2 small kilner jars of jam. I'd guess you'd need about 10 or 12 normal-sized jam jars.
I wish I'd made it in jam jars not kilner jars because it'd be better for giving away to people. I'm too mean to give a whole kilner jar of jam to just one person, leaving only 3 1/2 jars for myself, but I'd gladly give a jam jar away if I had 9 jam jars left. Also those kilner jars cost money, I'd want to think I'd get the empty jar back but I'd feel really grasping if I asked for it back. Go with the jam jars, they're definitely the best way.
Kirsty, my kids love making & eatng jam tarts, and also jam rolly polly. The recipes are from the be-ro cook book
Jam tarts -
225 g (8 oz) Be-Ro Plain Flour
pinch salt
50 g (2 oz) lard
50 g (2 oz) margarine
cold water to mix, about 30 ml (approx. 2 tbsp.)
25 g (1 oz) caster sugar if sweet pastry is required
jam (don't ask how much)
Heat oven to 200c,400f, gas 6.
Mix flour and salt in basin, rub in fat.
Using a knife to cut and stir, mix with cold water to form a stiff dough.
Turn dough on to a floured surface and knead lightly and roll out thinly.
Using a 3" round cutter, cut your circles and place in a 12 dimple patty tin.
spoon in a little jam or lemon curd into each patty. Dont overfill as it swells as it cooks.
Bake for 15 mins.
Jam Rolly polly
225g, 8oz, self raising flour
pinch salt
100g, 4oz, shredded suet (cow or veggie)
5tbsp jam, or syrup, or marmalade
Heat oven to 200c, 400f, gas 6.
Grease a baking tray.
Mix flour, suet & salt, ass sufficient cold water to make a pliable dough.
Turn onto a foured surface & and roll into a rectangle about 10x8".
Spread with the jam, syrup or marmalade, but keep about 1" from the edges to prevent the jam burning (when baking it runs nearer the edges anyway so will still be tasty on the ends)
Moisten edges with water & roll it up. Press the edges to seal.
Place onto the baking tray with the joint underneat so it doesnt unroll when it bakes. Bake for 30 mins or so.
My kids loved eating this hot with ice cream or custard. Also, when it was cold, I sliced it up and they eat it cold as it holds together quite nicely. It's great to take on picnics or long walks, it's real Grandma recipe kinds food. You could add raisins. Cherry jam sounds amazing, served with extra thick double cream.
Thanks for the jam tart idea Steph. I had some leftover pastry from a vegetable quiche we had for tea, so I made it into jam tarts. Funny thing was, I put 12 of them on a wire rack to cool and when I came back they were all gone.
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