
OK, I admit it, I shop at Tesco because I'm lazy. That's the real reason.
But I've decided to go cold turkey. No more Tesco for me. I'll get my fruit and veg from the farm shop a mile away (until the allotment starts producing stuff other than rhubarb). I'll get health-foody things like bran flakes and herb tea as well as environmentally friendly cleaning products and toiletries from the health food shop in the village. Most general grocery things can come from the Co-op http://www.co-op.co.uk/ which have a great range of fairtrade and organic products, as well as being an ethically-run company. And I'll do a run to The Unicorn once a month or so to stock up on the things only they provide. I'll keep you posted on how it's going.
Oh, I'll still fill up the car at Tesco. As far as I know all the petrol producers are as bad as each other, but the supermarkets are far cheaper. In fact, I believe they loss-lead on fuel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss-leader, so buying their petrol at a discount (whilst not buying any products which would make them a profit) will actually cost them money. At least that's how I'm justifying it to myself until I get around to doing some research about ethical petrol stations.
If you've got a Morrisons near you, it's worth filling up there. It might be slightly more expensive but you got points, and every now and again the points add up to a £5 Morrisons voucher. I'm saving this year's vouchers for the pre-Christmas grocery shopping!
I really admire you for your decision, but I find it very expensive taking the car miles to the farm shop for my free range chicken and the greengrocer who sells lots of local produce as well as free range eggs, since I can't afford to buy only organic.
I grocery shop at Morrisons and Aldi, although I occasionally use one of the Tesco petrol stations for emergency purchases.
I'm afraid I'd also have to be much better organised than I am at present to get all my shopping from ethical sources. The only Co-op I have local access to, which is still a couple of miles away, doesn't have the range of products.
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