
Sam's preschool have an imaginative approach to fundraising. No race nights or cheese and wine evenings for them, instead they have just put on a Pamper Evening. For £5 per 20minute treatment you could sign up for as many treatments as you wanted. I had the full monty and just spent a gloriously relaxing hour-and-a-half having an Indian head massage, Thai foot massage, reflexology and hand massage, with wine and nibbles thrown in.
Then when I got home the babysitter had not only given the kids their tea and put them to bed, she had also cleaned the living room and kitchen, and then thanked me for letting her watch my lovely children.
I must be dreaming.
If you're thinking that today's post has nothing to do with self-sufficiency, you're dead right. But it has quite a lot to do with the good life.
Mmmmmmm! Indian Head Massage!
I would have spent all my money on that. I absolutely love it and it never goes on long enough!
Some wonderful charity offered me an Indian Head Massage on the evening before my mastectomy. I'd really thought that I wouldn't sleep that night, what with everything, but it relaxed me so much they had to wake me up in the morning.
Dead right, Mel. I will suggest that at my school some time.
I went for a pamper day once. Had massage, facial, sauna etc & felt wonderful. I strolled serenely round the place feeling like beautiful princesses inside because I was stress free & centred. Then I looked in mirror. I was expecting to look radiant, clear skinned & stunning. I looked puffy & very red & blotchey. It was quite a comedown. Curse my vanity.
It's true that it's how you feel inside that matters. The good life indeed.
Geri, the head massage was the best bit and I'd definitely like to have another sometime. Steph, your comment about looking in the mirror made me laugh! Just remember to avoid mirrors next time - I'd much rather feel great and look blotchy, than look great and feel crap.
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