I've had a crazy busy weekend and I've got a crazy busy week ahead of me. My choir, St George's Singers, are rehearsing Mendelssohn's Elijah with Chetham's School of Music and Bach Chester Singers, conducted by Paul McCreesh, on Tuesday and Wednesday evening in preparation for performances in Chester Cathedral on Thursday (14th Feb) and Manchester Cathedral on Friday (15th Feb). We're also performing in Windsor Castle on Saturday 8th March, the day before we perform Rachmaninoff's Vespers in Gorton Monastery with readings by Terry Waite and Joan Bakewell.
If any of this is going over your head I'll sum it up - I'm getting to rehearse some really fabulous music with an internationally regarded conductor and perform it in four different wonderful historical settings. It's going to be hard work but lots of fun, and should be the kind of thing I remember for a long time.
If you'd like to come to any of these concerts, Elijah tickets are £14, £12 children £2, available from 0161 838 7244 or email boxoffice@chethams.com. Vespers tickets are sadly sold out, but if you want to book early for our next concert, we're performing Bach's Mass in B Minor on Saturday 22nd June, tickets are £11 (students and children £8), £16, £21, £26 Group concessions for booking 10 or more, available from The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester.
I'm jealous of your singing these lovely things. I used to belong to a choir and did similar pieces - Motzart requiem was my favourite, but time just doesn't allow these days.
BTW did you know it's national honey week? It is according to my river cottage diary and the honeyassociation.com
That does sound like fun. Hard work too. Singing with a fantastic conductor you don't know is like having a masterclass - I find it fascinating how different conductors can get different things from choirs who may be singing exactly the same piece they've sung dozens of times before.
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