
Today we celebrated Valentine's Day, two days late because I was singing on Thursday. My lovely Eddy got me an Efergy electricity use monitor. You clamp the sensor around the cable that feeds your electricity meter (no wiring or anything technical involved), and it sends data to a portable display unit. In no time at all I was wandering round the house turning stuff on and off and seeing how low I could get the unit to go, and what effect the kettle, electric cooker etc. had on our consumption. You can get it to display in terms of kWH, cost, or carbon emissions (you have to get the figures from your electricity bill and input them into the gadget). I love it, and I thought it was a really thoughtful Valentines' gift for me, although I can see how many women would fail to go weak at the knees on receiving something like this.
I'm not telling you what I got for Eddy. It's none of your business. But he liked it.
Now that's what I call a cool pressie!
I got a load of free firewood DH gathered - many also wouldn't oooh & Ahhh - I made dh an apple pie. A very frugal & meaningful valentines day
Love Leanne NZ
Wish I knew where mine's gone. It's not a clamp-on, it's a plug-in, but does the same sort of thing.
It was using it for a night that persuaded me to rewire the sockets behind the telly so I could switch off the set-top-box[1], modem, DVD player and telly overnight. That little lot amounted to 60W. I did the same on the other side of the room (two PCs, two printers, two monitors, router, HiFi etc) and saved another 40W. It's all off about twelve hours a day, now, which saves around a unit and a half daily. Over a quarter that adds up!
Ooops, missing footlingnote.
[1] Which Virgin Media tell you not to do, but sod'em. If they made their boxes use a lot less power on STB I might just leave it on. Switching it off hasn't caused any problems.
I think it's a neat Valentine's Day gift. I asked my fiance for a Aloe Vera plant because it's a gift that keeps giving and it good for the environment.
I think I got my husband the same thing you got yours ;)
I also think the meter sounds like a pretty cool gift. Where can you get one?
I`ve just been searching through blogs for some of the products that we sell in Eco-St. I noticed that you have mentioned some of them so i thought you might be interested in doing a link exchange? Our website is http://www.syonparkecostreet.co.uk It will be clear from our website, but in short, we are a green retailers with a website, not an online green retailer. There aren't many stores
around that offer a whole range of environmentally friendly and energy saving technologies all in one place. By being a real rather than virtual store, people can accidently wander in without looking for green products.
It's been a nightmare explaing to business directories what it is we do! They dont have a section for 'a broad range of products all of an environmentally sustainable nature'. Anyway, let me know about what you think to a link swap...and if you are in the west london area then drop by at Syon Park and have a look around for yourself. If you, or any of your readers come by then mention this blog
and you can have a 10% discount.
Calvin Jones
p.s if you would like to do a link swap then please use the text 'syon park eco-st' as the link text.
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