
But actually this February hasn't been too bad. The weather has been mostly dry and bright and even warm at times. I've been extremely busy too, so I haven't had time to dwell on how horrible February is, or fret about the gardening I'd rather be doing. It's been a busy time at work, it's been a busy month of singing, and just lately I've had a lot of bee-related work.
Yesterday I dismantled lots of wax frames and removed the rotten wax. Then I melted down the wax over a double boiler. My guru, Arnie, assured me that all the crud would float to the top and could be skimmed off. However there was more crud than wax, and the wax I managed to get was jet black. Hmmm - I don't think this is right. I'll show it to him next time I see him and ask what I should do with it. I was going to make some of it into furniture polish, and I bought some pure turpentine to do just that. But if you rubbed this into wood, surely it would darken and dirty it? Maybe it's fit for gothic-looking candles. Or maybe Arnie knows a clever way to purify it.
So February has almost gone and I hardly noticed it. But now I definitely notice that the days are longer and the nights are shorter. My garden is full of flowers. My bees are flying and active. My chickens are laying more. I want to sow some seeds and chit some spuds. We're hurtling towards the equinox and I feel good. How about you?
I was like you, but have you seen the weather forecast for this weekend? Shocking - with really cold, windy and wet days to come over the next few weeks.
I worry about the newly hatched bees and the state of the seedlings etc when we're due harsh weather again :(
My potatoes are chitting on the windowsill and my pots are ready for sowing. I'm planning a gardening weekend regardless of the weather!
I can't wait to get my spring seeds in the ground. I have to start this week. I need to go buy potatoes. I don't know about your wax, but the gothic candles made me laugh.~~Dee
I am sure that after the earthquake mother nature has woken up and she is watch us just to see if we have taken notice that SPRING is on the way yippeeeee!!!!!!
Once I've melted down beeswax I pour it into silicon baking moulds. When cooled but still warm I peel them out and the crud has usually settled at the bottom. I use a knife to slice this off and because the wax is still warm to the tough its easy to cut through. It works quite well.
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