
They're giving away 50 Lavera natural skincare kits as competition prizes. If you win, you could keep the kit for yourself or give it away as a present. And if you don't win, there are lots of ideas for gifts at the Friends of the Earth shop.
I know some greenies get hot under the collar about the hundreds of thousands of trees which are pulped every year to create the greetings cards we send. But I can't get agitated about that. Compared to other things we do, sending a letter is a pretty environmentally-benign way to stay in touch with the people we love and spread some goodwill at Christmas time. But if you'd prefer, you can save a tree and send a Friends of the Earth ecard.
Last week on Gardeners' World on the BBC, they highlighted the fact that people have started to care about 'air miles' in where their food comes from... but not their cut flowers! I wonder if we could grow pointsettias here in the UK??
I can't understand people who give cards to everyone they've ever met; and if you're going to see the person anyway why bother sending a card?! However (air-miles notwithstanding) I see nothing wrong with sending cards to loved ones far away. It’s more personal than an e-card, too.
Good point Matron. To help you cut down your flower miles Wiggly Wigglers sell only British flowers for their bouquets and funeral arrangements.
On the card thing, perhaps it would be better to buy a bit of rain forest instead. I went to hear Duncan Clark (Editor of The Rough Guide to Ethical Living)talk in Hay-on-Wye recently and he mentioned an organisation that he is involved in called Cool Earth. For £35 you can buy 1/2 an acre of rainforest. I will shopping there for birthday presents next year.
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