
I got a big pile of great books which I'll be reviewing as I get through them. The first one I started on after Christmas dinner was "Guerilla Gardening" by David Tracey. Dad gave me one of those devices for making fuel bricks out of waste paper and card, and we already ripped up most of the wrapping paper to make our first brick. There was a solar powered personal radio for listening on the allotment. I'm very excited about a USB microphone I got, because I'd like to add a regular podcast to this blog. Lindsey gave us board games for the family to play together. And Stephanie made hand-painted t-shirts for everyone, and for me a chopping board pyrographed with a green man, based on a photograph of dad. I think that's my favourite present of all, which puts Steph ahead of the game. She gave me my favourite present last year, too.
Neat. I love your sister's art from last year as well.
If you have time, could you find a link for the fuel bricks so we can find out more about them? Thanks.
>>the gravy was delicious too. The secret is a glug of Madeira.
Is that before or after you make the gravy? :p
Merry (Belated) Christmas!
Hi there, does your dad want to come here next year ;-)! most of ours is left for today and tomorrow - the kids were just way too excited to eat! I don't grow my own yet but got most of it, including my organic free range 8 pound chicken, from local farms via a small shop down the road. **Love** Steph's chopping board :-) Hazel
Thanks, Mel. I hope you use it, and don't just hang it one your wall. I want it sliced into & smelling of onions when I visit.
i desperately want to read guerilla gardening! i eagerly anticipate your review :-)
Glad to hear that you had a lovely Christmas. Best Wishes to you and your family. I look forward to reading your posts in 2008.
Sara from farmingfriends
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