I found three bags of shredded paper on my front doorstep this morning. That's good, because I need them to clean out the chicken shed and replace the bedding. But I don't know who left them.
Sometimes the secretary at the kids' school gives me bags of shredded paper. But I don't think I've ever asked anyone else for shredded paper, or told anyone I use it. I suspect my sister Steph has been talking to someone over the weekend.
You often get interesting things left on your doorstep. I hope this isn't all you're getting off Santa this year. Would that mean you've been good or bad, I wonder?
Shropshire Girl, I change the bedding every couple of weeks, and yes I do compost it. The paper helps keep the wet/dry balance on the compost heap and the chicken poo adds nitrogen and is an excellent activator. But it's been more than a couple of weeks since I last cleaned the henhouse. I admit, I've been neglecting it somewhat. I've no excuse now I have enough fresh bedding. I'll do it later today.
Hello Melanie love the blog. Your sister is a huge fan of shredded paper she borrows my shredder to make it to save adding to the plastic in the world by buying her own - she's fab. She inspired me to start composting. Hazel xx
Thanks for that info. I didn't use shredded paper because of doubts about the inks, however I have since found out that nearly all ink is now vegetable based, so when I replace my chooks I will be using shredded paper. Goodness knows they waste enough paper at work - it drives me potty. Sandra.x.
It doesn't contain lots of social security numbers does it? ;-)
Not guilty. I'm even sure I didn't mention it to the lady at the end of the close when I went to ask her if I could collect her fallen pine cones.
Hmm. Then it's a real mystery.
what a lovely surprise :)
Can I ask how often you change this bedding? I suppose you put it on the compost afterwards?
You often get interesting things left on your doorstep. I hope this isn't all you're getting off Santa this year. Would that mean you've been good or bad, I wonder?
Shropshire Girl, I change the bedding every couple of weeks, and yes I do compost it. The paper helps keep the wet/dry balance on the compost heap and the chicken poo adds nitrogen and is an excellent activator. But it's been more than a couple of weeks since I last cleaned the henhouse. I admit, I've been neglecting it somewhat. I've no excuse now I have enough fresh bedding. I'll do it later today.
Hello Melanie love the blog. Your sister is a huge fan of shredded paper she borrows my shredder to make it to save adding to the plastic in the world by buying her own - she's fab. She inspired me to start composting. Hazel xx
Thanks for that info. I didn't use shredded paper because of doubts about the inks, however I have since found out that nearly all ink is now vegetable based, so when I replace my chooks I will be using shredded paper. Goodness knows they waste enough paper at work - it drives me potty.
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