
Today is the winter solstice, midwinter's day. It's the shortest day of the year, and the longest night. The midday sun will be low in the sky, weak and watery. The northern hemisphere [
1] holds its breath to see whether the days will then lengthen, the midday sun will climb higher and higher, the night recede, and spring will come again. Well, we modern scientific types aren't really in any doubt that will happen. But still it's a dark and barren time of year. There's a deep-seated need to light a roaring fire, gather family and friends around, eat, drink and be merry.
[1] Of course in the Southern hemisphere it's midsummer - the longest day and the shortest night. Hope you have a good one.
I think the photo is amazing. Makes me forget that it's winter down there. Happy solstice and advance Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Beautiful picture.
I didn't take the picture. It's from NASA.
Hello Mel. I absolutely love the sunlight at this time of year, tis really beautiful there's a special quality about it. 2 years ago on boxing day we had a flock of Golden Plover here by the sea and it made them sparkle so I finally realised how these normally very undistinguished brown birds got their name. Ah happy memories :-) All well worth bundling up for.
Have a lvoely christmas hope your kids like the Wii! Hazel xx
Melanie, I just wanted to tell you that I found Bean Sprouts through Yellow and I've been reading and enjoying your posts daily. I wish you and your family a wonderful solstice and a Happy Christmas.
Hope your evening was a good one.
we had a lovely summer solstice evening in the backyard with a bbq, glass of wine, swinging in the hammck and the kids and dh slept the night in the tent.
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