The last time I ate game, I shortly afterwards came down with an unpleasant and prolonged digestive upset. I know the meal didn't cause my sickness because my sister also ate the same meal and she didn't get ill.
But when I sat down last night to eat a pheasant and mallard casserole I made for my dad (who has come to stay with us over Christmas), I just couldn't eat it. It was delicious, but still I couldn't force even one forkful of it into my mouth.
I know exactly why this is. The Garcia effect is the name given to the urge to avoid any novel food which is followed by symptoms of sickness. Most mammals have this instinct, including humans.
It's most infuriating. Perhaps I'll never be able to eat game again, even though I know it's tasty and perfectly harmless. But millions of years of evolution are overriding my modern conscious brain, and telling me "No!"
LOL, yeah I know about the garcia effect! The first was from bad effects of my first try of Rum back when I was 16, the smell still makes me want to heave 19 yrs later. The other was eating a Roti Chenai in Malaysia (after getting seafood poisoning from something else and this poor food just happened to be the thing I was eating as the sickness came on) when I was 15, the thought of it makes me feel ill still.
I had an anaphylatctic reaction to prawns in 1997 and haven't been able to eat either smoked salmon or pheasant since as these were both part of the meal I was eating at the time. I've tried, the smoked salmon actually made me retch and the I can't contemplate the pheasant. Tom keeps saying he'd like to try it but I can't. He brings smoked salmon into the house every Christmas and I just sit there making disgusted faces at him while he eats! Can't seem to put him off though :(
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