Since the kids helped dyeing yarn with Kool Aid and making our own knitting needles, they're keen to try knitting. The book Kids Knitting recommended starting kids with a French knitting spool. It's easier than knitting with needles but it shows them how knitting works, by hooking loops of thread through the loops on the row beneath.
So Eleanor and Sam have been French knitting. That's a picture of Sam. He's 6, and he has mastered it very quickly.
When I was researching French knitting resources on the Internet to include in this post, I found this site about Knitting Nancies. I never realised there was so much to say on the topic of French knitting, but this fascinating web page uncovers the history of it from the medieval lucet through to a plastic toy which is basically a 45-loop mechanical knitting Nancy. Check it out.
My goodness, Mel! Reading your blog today opened up a dusty old wall of neurons in my brain and suddenly I remember how much I loved my Knitting Nancy when I was 7 or 8, and how much time I used to spend making braids on it. I'd entirely forgotten the existence of French knitting until seeing your pictures!
Beansprouts - recovering lost childhood memories since 2008
You've just inspired me with an idea! I have some dangerous bamboo cane ends that I am sure one day soon I am going to poke an eye out! I will get down to the art shop and buy some home baking modelling clay and make some decorative tops for them! Thanks Melanie. xx
They'll be doing crochet next!
A couple of years ago I had my long-suffering offspring making Christmas decorations. Using our fingers as a 'crochet hook' we made endless chains with nastycheapstring in various colours. Tie a loop on to a finger; string round; loop over string; string round; loop over string; repeat last two instructions ad nauseam or until you run out of string.
I'll check out the links you've posted - I never quite got round to making anything but long sausages with good old Knitting Nancy, but people were always telling me about things I could do if I could only be bothered.
Hmm, I don't seem to have changed much over the years... :)
Wow, like Eleanor, I'd completely forgotten about French knitting. Now I can feel my fingers doing it and the texture of the lovely long snaky braids.
Excuse me while I timeslip back to the 50s.
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