
As it's
Compost Awareness Week, May's challenge is to start composting. I'll be blogging about composting all through May, so look out for posts about different composting systems, benefits of composting, compost troubleshooting and anything else that occurs to me.
Please vote in the poll in the right-hand sidebar if you're ready to take the challenge.
Spare a thought for us townies, Mel. I have a composter in the back yard full of lovely compost which I plan to use in all my pots and tubs when replanting them this year.
The trouble is that we produce compostable stuff far quicker than I can use compost now that I no longer have an allotment and I don't have room for another composter in my tiny back yard.
I'd like some tips on making compost more quickly, if that's actually possible, so that I could at least bag it up for when I need it while starting over again on a new lot. That would save me buying indoor plant compost as well.
I have TWO COUNT THEM TWO compost heaps - one being filled and the other rotting down. I emptied as much compost as I could from one bin last weekend and that's the one I'm now filling. The one that I was filling up to last weekend is the one that will have the next 12 months or so to rot down. When I have spent compost (grow-bags, finished tubs) I'll share it between the two bins.
blackberry44 - I used to live in London with a small and overwhelmingly concrete garden, and a regularly visiting mother who thinks not-composting is a crime. So we got a tumbler - which does make compost faster if you remember to turn it. My other suggestion for you is either a wormery or Bokashi bins. Not sure if the wormery is faster but the Bokashi bin definitely gets things rotting faster before you put it into the compost. And you can compost stuff you wouldn't normally like cooked food.
Having killed two sets of worms in two wormeries, I'd go for the Bokashi if I didn't have space for compost bins.
I agree with composting, and I even have a thing in the garden (I call it a garden but it's actually more of an overgrown rubbish tip) laughingly known as a compost heap.
As a non-gardener and non-veggie-grower though I'm going to decline the composting challenge because I'd never get round to doing anything with the resulting mush.
What do non-gardneners to with compost?
We recently invested in our **third** compost bin. I'm not sure when we'll use it all, but the council don't give us green bins and the tip is always busy (plus I'm not sure what exactly they do with garden waste). Should keep the worms fed, anyway :)
I have a compost bin, and I ordered a second one, so that I could leave the first to rot down while I filled the second. Only, I never got round to it. I live on the NE coast of England, and on a bad stormy night, my spare, empty, plastic, light weight bin was blown across into the North Sea. I really must order another, I know.
I just got a black compost bin for my daughter on Freecycle and missed out on a second one that was being given away at the weekend! I also manage to get a bin bag full of assorted plant pots,I love Freecycle so many freebies that would have gone to the landfill!Registration is free,its suprising what some people want to get rid of!
Kathyann and the girls
The chickens are good at making compost for me ~ they have hay in their shed & they cover it in guano & mud for me, trample it all up together, spread it over the whole cowshed (not just their sleeping & nesting areas) & then leave me to shovel out the entire shed! Last year the Traveller Lads cleaned the shed & used the compost on their own patch & sold the rest. This year the compost collectors are protesting at Tara, leaving me to single-handedly (& I mean with 1 hand only!) to clear out the shed, but I'm starting to build up a raised bed in my yard, using the compost, which I haul across in a bucket. I have very little that *I* can put in a compost heap other than that as whatever we don't eat, the dogs, cats, ferrets, poultry, goats & horses do.
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