Well so much for the weather forecast. I went down to the allotment before 8am in case it rained later, but it stayed dry all day. At 10am I came back and picked up the rest of the family and we all stayed on the plot until 5pm. We weeded the garlic. It's looking good - I'm really keen for the harvest. I helped Eleanor plant her part of the allotment with sweet peas, pansies, violas and other multicoloured flowers. She didn't want anything edible in her part of the plot, just flowers.
We weeded, dug and manured a scary weedy area full of ground elder and dock. We sowed peas, planted cabbages, celery, and Jerusalem artichokes, and created an area for Tom. He wants to grow carrots, strawberries, blackberries and bananas. I asked him if he wanted any flowers, but he doesn't.
It doesn't sound much when I write it down, but we must have put in 15 back-breaking man-hours. I've caught the sun on my arms and the back of my neck. Ed says it's starting to look like a proper allotment.
Tomorrow if the weather stays good we'll weed the soft fruit and tackle another scary weedy area. I've still got some red cabbages and some onions (red and white) to plant, and I want to sow my runner beans. That will be the whole of the "old" part of the allotment, leaving only the new area to do. If some of the bits we've got now are scary weedy areas, that part is a terrifying jungle, but I'm determined to tame it this bank holiday weekend.
It sounds like you all had a lovely day, productive too. And that picture of Eleanor is fab.
Thank goodness some one else has "scary weedy areas". I was beginning to think I was the only one!
I am so jealous. I live in Minnesota, US. The trees have not leaved out yet, the ice just went out on the lakes. South Dakota(state just west of us) got a foot of snow yesterday. It is diffcult to have a graden in this climate but we try.
It's definitely not just you, Joyce.
Holly - I don't envy you. The winter seems quite long enough here as it is. What kinds of plants do you grow in your garden?
Don't tell Eleanor, but pansies are edible! I think violas might be too!
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