
The answer is none. Plenty of large vertebrates are endangered and even critically endangered, such as Siberian tigers and Sumatran orangutans. And species are going extinct all the time, but they're mostly plants, invertebrate animals or small animals - toads, snakes, moths, birds.
But now the baiji, the Yangtze river dolphin, is probably extinct. There used to be thousands of this unique species in the Yangtze river in China, but pollution and river management led to a decline in its numbers. The last one was sighted in 2004, and a recent survey failed to find any at all.
All life is connected, so the extinction of the Essex emerald moth is just as important as the gentle baiji. But it should give us a wake-up call to think that we humans have driven this animal out of existence.
I totally agree with your comments on this Mel re this wake up call, and the tragic loss of such an amazing and wonderful animal.
Although you are quite right, that this is the only large vertibrate in the last 50 years, all you need to do is roll the clock back a further 25 to find the SECOND large vertibrate that we humans have exterminated, which is the Thylacine (or Tasmanian wolf).
Most of your readers will alreday know this, but the Thylacine was a wolf sized marsupial which was given the tag of 'pest' by the human farmers who had invaded it's home. The Tasmanian government issued a bounty for every Thylacine 'culled', but unfortunately missed out the minor step of counting how many Thylacines there were to start with. They eventually reversed this decision in 1936, and made the animal a protected species, a noble act since it was discovered that it had been extinct since 1933...
Anyone who watched the Nigel Marvin series Prehistoric Park, where extinct animals are brought back from the past, will have heard the strap line 'extinction doesn't have to be forever'. Yes it does. That's what exctinction means. One chance.
I've said it before, but maybe 'hairless ape' is the wrong nomenclature for our species, maybe 'careless ape' would be more apt, bludgeoning our way across a fragile planet with no thought for anything around us. I've read a lot of discussion about which evolutionary trait has made homo sapien the most succesful of the large vertibrates, possibly our ability to communicate, maybe large brain size, maybe our ability to use tools...
Maybe the real reason is something that sounds a tad less impressive... maybe it's just our selfishness and thoughtlessness?
I was horrified by this and did a short post on my blog too. how many more extinctions before governments and people too realize how serious the situation is
Read the story on the BBC. There was a story on the telly today about the decline of the Dugong (not the Pokémon monster). Same story different animal.
BBC were reporting that this Dolphin may not be extinct - as it has been recently filmed - another boat is being dispatched to confirm this. woohoo!
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