Not GREENFLY control, although they're a pest as well. I'm talking about fruitflies, mainly. I left a bag of rhubarb in the kitchen when we went away on holiday and when we got back the kitchen was full of fruitflies. I don't really want to use poison to eliminate them, so instead I got rid of the rhubarb and anywhere else they could live, such as the compost bucket, and hung up flypapers.
If you're not familiar with flypapers, they're incredibly sticky strips that you hang up. As soon as a fly blunders into one, it gets stuck for good. Frankly, they're a bit gross, but they're better than having flies everywhere.
One final thing - under no circumstances allow small children to "help mummy with the dusting" anywhere near them. Last year Sam was playing with my genuine ostrich feather duster and got it tangled with the flypapers. By the time I had cut all the sticky bits off my duster, it was so badly maimed I was forced to do the merciful thing.
oh dear. it kinda made me smile though to imagine a small child armed with a feather duster, taking on the wily, sticky-serpent fly-paper...
Glad you had such a great holiday and the duster - lol
Glad the fruit flies at least had a feast whilst you were away - before they came to a sticky end!
We have a continuing fly problem, living in the Brittany countryside surrounded by farms. They seem to come in waves, as if a new generation has just hatched out. We've tried many alternatives to control them, including sachets of revolting smelling stuff one puts in a pot with only a way in, placed near a window. These are sold in organic shops as an OK way of controlling flies. However, the only thing we've found to be really effective, is to hang two or three sticky fly strips up. They don't look all that nice, especially when covered in dead flies but we become habituated to them.
What i don't know is what goes into the sticky stuff and what the tapes are made of, before we can give them the green thumbs-up. Do you know?
A trick for fruit flys that works well for some friends of mine is to leave out a small glass of wine. This will attract the fruit flys and they wiend up drowning in the wine.
In order to keep house flies and fruit flies out of home, it really comes down to one concept – prevention. Thanks for providing information on preventative measures.
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