
Ed found my camera cable. We'll gloss over exactly
where he found it. Suffice it to say, it was neatly put away (which narrows down the suspects to two - the kids never put anything away), but it was neatly put away somewhere I didn't know about (which eliminates me from the list of suspects). But anyway, I'm very glad he found it. Eventually. After I had turned the house upside down. But before I had bought a new one, so that's something.
To celebrate, I've included a photo of the black hen enjoying a mouthful of grass in the back garden. I'll write about the rag rug and the rabbit recipe and so on tomorrow.
Yup, it's crippling when you can't post your photos isn't it? And you such a good photographer and all! Incidentally, when you post your cookery pics, is someone really tall - or standing on a chair?
I'm just surprised that you didn't find the cable up Rebecca's nose, that's were everything else seems to end up...!
But in a link back to one of your previous blogs, you might have seen the great news today, that the Yangtse River dolphin has allegedly been sighted and filmed by a fisherman, so may actualy still be with us.
Although this is fantastic news, in no way at all does this detract from your message, which is that if not exactly extinct, there are a frighteningly large number of animal and plant species currently hovering on the very verges of being snuffed out forever. In many cases the smoking gun is firmly in the hands of we humans.
I recently read a report that had a quite chilling message:- although we've all heard of mass extinction events, the most famous obviously being the demise of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, there have, in fact, been a number of such events, such as at the end of the Devonian period, the Permian etc etc. But if we calculate the number of species that we are currently losing and compare that to these older times in the Earth's history, how many of realise that we are CURRENTLY in the middle of another mass extinction event?
Hedge - you take one short sister and a stool, and hey presto, photos from a flattering angle.
Or, you take a short sister, and, hey presto, low angled photos of chickens in grass.
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