Friday, August 31, 2007

Wine in Progress

The damson wine is now in a five-gallon fermenting bucket with an airlock fitted. It's tucked away in a corner of the living room going blup occasionally.
I've got more damsons left. I think I'll make another batch.


peppylady (Dora) said...

Greetings!!!I found your blog by the way of worst witch.
I've never drank Damson Wine. We have friends that make homemade wine. I like their elderberry wine.

Every friend I do what I call a Friendly Friday which I post about a regular read and new one.

Stop on over anytime.

Artela said...

Five gallons at a time is just showing off :-)

Anonymous said...

We have found some dreams that were plainly wish-fulfillments; and others in which wish-fulfillment could not be recognized, and was frequently concealed by every available means.. Goethe's words-- To earth, this weary earth, ye bring us, To guilt ye let us heedless go-- take on another meaning in this connection.. Paintsville dam's busted, he was informed.. The Colonel coughed slightly.. They were bowling along through another avenue of trees when the driver suddenly shouted, Whoa there! The horses were brought up with a jerk that was well nigh fatal to the assortment of dignity inside the coach.. Well, what's he good for? Well, Smiley says, easy and careless, he's good enough for one thing, I should judge--he can outjump any frog in Calaveras county.. The physician must reserve for himself the right to penetrate, by a process of deduction, from the effect on consciousness to the unconscious psychic process; he learns in this way that the effect on consciousness is only a remote psychic product of the unconscious process and that the latter has not become conscious as such; that it has been in existence and operative without betraying itself in any way to consciousness.. 'Fo' God! Kernel--I hope dey ain't nuffin de matter, but you's lookin' mightly solemn! I ain't seen you look dat way, Kernel, since de day pooh Marse Stryker was fetched home shot froo de head.. Dramatic judgment, as well as dramatic sense of delivery, was native to him, qualities which the shrewd Felix Stuhk, his manager and exultant discoverer, recognized and wisely trusted in.. In this connection, I naturally bear in mind the case of the anxiety dream, and in order not to have the appearance of trying to exclude this testimony against the theory of wish-fulfillment wherever I encounter it, I will attempt an explanation of the anxiety dream, at least offering some suggestions.. Van Kamp dubbed the barn, with enough more money to make him love all the world until he got used to having it.. In his turn Ross showed no resentment.. He stooped and rubbed a crumb of earth on his overfresh neck-linen. We happened to be recreating at Stafford Springs that summer. He made vague plans for delaying his journey as they sat smoking in pleasant conversational ease; and when an interruption came it vexed him.. But, do you know, Mrs.. Such a current in the apparatus which emanates from pain and strives for pleasure we call a wish.. All that we have termed the dream-work seems so remote from the psychic processes recognized by us as correct, that the severest judgments of the authors as to the low psychic activity of dreaming seem to us well founded.. Old Uncle Mose Mitchell, dey calls me now. I could only designate this dream displacement as the transvaluation of psychical values...

Anonymous said...

I have exactly that type of plastic container (27l?) for my cider and was worrying about whether I should use demi-jons for the main fermentation to reduce the air contact.

I see you have just topped it up as much as possible in there, so perhaps I can just get away with squeezing some more apples to fill mine up properly (only 21l full).


Anonymous said...

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