
We met in the local civic centre, with a hundred or so other people, as it got dark. At 6pm a local brass band struck up and we all followed them in procession to the local park. There were a few fairground rides set up in the park, people selling illuminated toys like lightsabers and flashing deely boppers. Fortunately our kids are well trained and only whined that they wanted these things once or twice. There were also a few stalls selling hot dogs, chips, donuts etc. Many more people turned up and there were several hundred there at least when the bonfire was lit at 6.30pm. We stood and watched it burn for a while, and bought some bags of donuts to share.
At 7pm the firework display began, and we all enjoyed these. I'd much rather pay £5 go to an organised display and watch hundreds of pounds worth of fireworks go off in fairly quick succession, rather than go to a backyard display and watch twenty or thirty pounds worth of fireworks go off one at a time. The Poynton bonfire is organised by the local Round Table and the profits go to local charities, so that's nice, too.
After the display Lindsey and Andrew went home, and we all went and got fish and chips from the chip shop. This is also part of our bonfire night tradition.
I love it all very much. It's exciting. Brass bands are always exciting. Big fires are exciting. Fireworks are exciting, too. I love meeting up with friends. I love being out in a large group of people after dark. I love the smell, the noises, the fish and chips at the end, all of it.
If you're going to a bonfire tonight, have fun and stay safe.
We got the best of both worlds, the Son of our neighbour spent god knows what on at least two hundred rockets, which took 2 hours to set off. Very professional for an amateur event!
(Our chickens were bundled up safely in a straw filled box in the house, and seem to be no worse for the affair!)
We've just come back from the field behind our house where the local kids had built three bonfires. Now our hair smells of wood smoke (and sofa smoke, and plastic-wheelie-bin smoke...)
My fondest memories were of a bonfire night we visited as a family when I was about 12. We drank scotch broth from plastic cups, and watched a bonfire which must have been 30 feet tall burn down. And I won a goldfish that night too. It may all have happened on one night, or it may be an amalgamation of numerous bonfire nights and other family outings, but in my mind, it happened and I treasure the memory.
I used to love it but then I married Spouse... every time a good firework goes off he mutters, "there goes another £20" Grrrr!
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