
A few weeks ago a small but crucial part broke. I fixed it with Araldite (as you can see I have carried out repairs on various bits of the machine), but it broke again repeatedly and eventually was beyond repair.
The Braun service centre said they could not help, as it was just too old and they didn't stock the parts for it anymore. So I took it to a small precision engineer in Macclesfield. He says he is sure they will be able to make me a new part and get my food processor running again. I do hope they can. The motor is strong as an ox. I am sure it has another 50 years to give. It would break my heart to have to throw this lovely old machine out, and all the family history that goes with it.
While mum had it, I remember it being brought out every year on pancake day, almost ceremonially.
When I learnt to bake, I used it for almost all the Biro recipes in the book. I still have that dog-eared Biro book, covered in butter and egg staines, and heavily sellotaped.
I love repairing things. My slippers are well into their fourth year, with replacement innards and stitched soles. I'm determined to keep those slippers going as long as possible.
Good for you, not giving up when Braun couldn't help.
Love this post, love that comment. Round here, we have a wonderful Sue Ryder Home that has sales every three weeks or so. I could best describe them as a cross between a jumble sale and a department store, because it looks like a jumble, but they don't have to pack up, it all stays put for next time. The electrical department is run by a wonderful group of men who mend things, keep bits for spares, and generally help people keep their stuff going. I bet there's one near-ish you, because it's a national organisation. If not, you'd better come down south for the weekend, I'll give you a list of dates ;)
I just hope my children treasure my Kenwood half so much .... (now well over 20, a mere child compared with your Braun!)
I was more fortunate with a replacement pan for my bread machine.
The manufacturer was able to send a new pan the same day. I was thrilled as I can now make my own bread again
However, it wasn't anywhere near as antique as your lovely old girl.
Your blog is widely read, so you may find the part you need through it...
Good luck!
Have you checked eBay?
Have you tried Partstore.com?
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