Thursday, November 08, 2007

Culture Roundup

I've been making ginger beer once a week and dividing my culture each time. Today I weighed how much culture I have and it is less than 100g. I've been advised to try to maintain it at about 150g. So I haven't divided it this week, but I'll try to build it up.

It's a bit like having a pet. You can't neglect it, you have to be faithful in feeding it, and making sure it is at a reasonable temperature, and keep an eye out for its welfare.

I have three cultures at the moment that I'm maintaining - Fred, the ginger beer plant (pictured), Fizz the sourdough bread starter, and my yogurt culture who doesn't have a name.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing. Fred is very cute!!

Yellow said...

I have started mine today, and it's called Horace and it's lurking in the airing cupboard. I've warned my hubby that it's there because of the loose-fitted lid and the proximity to the iron, which only he uses.

Anonymous said...


Just out of interest, who advised you to maintain the Ginger Beer Plant at 150g?

Do you culture the 150g with 300ml of water?

Matt said...


Very interested to see someone still using ginger beer plant grains - I've been trying to track some down for ages without success!

Is there any chance I could get some from you? I'll happily send you a pre-paid envelope, and can include some rye sourdough starter and some good recipes as an exchange if you like!