If you're going to make any home-made gifts this year you really need to do it now. Realistically, December is too late - who has the time? So enjoy that smug feeling of being ahead of schedule, and start making any gifts this month.
Don't overdo it, either. It's a big mistake to say "All my gifts will be homemade this year!" Homemade gifts take a long time, so just pick one or two simple projects, for one or two special people. Everyone else will be perfectly happy with shop-bought aftershave or whatever you usually give them.
Last year, my sister Steph made these sock monkeys for her children and mine. She said they took about 2 hours each (she hand-sewed them. If you have a sewing machine it'd be even faster). So if you know any small children who would like a unique and characterful cuddly this Christmas, why not make a sock monkey?
Don't forget to vote in the poll in the right-hand sidebar - but only when you've finished your hand-made gift.
Aha! Knitting! I have finished a pair of angora socks for a friend, and started a scarf for my god-daughter. If the wool arrives, there'll be a pair of socks for mum, too.
love the idea of sock monkeys as gifts! i have pix on my flickr site of a sock monkey workshop i run for families every year just before the holidays.
It's amazing how people put things off, good advice to start now. If you want to make all homemade gifts you should start now for next year, less stressful that way!
Those sock monkeys are cute homemade gifts. I can think of a few kids that would love them!
Hi Melanie, I made a cushion for my mum with some photo's on of me and my son when we were children, she loved it! Josie
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